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Jump script for book (outdated version)

Version 1.1
The new version is here.



The scenario

  1. User has page A open from his .indb book
  2. User selects which story in Page A to apply the script
  3. User launches script
  4. User selects which page to jump the text to (Page B)
  5. Script checks to see if Page B is available (that it isn't locked)
  6. Script selects all the body text starting from the first pararaph of the overriding text from page A
  7. Script copies the body text selection
  8. Script opens Page B
  9. Script pastes body text on Page B in the pasteboard at X:-4.2289in, Y:1.8889in in a frame that is 4.2289in wide
  10. Script Fits Frame to Content
  11. Script copies H1 title from Page A
  12. Script pastes H1 title to page B in a separate frame, Fits frame to content and moves 10pt above the body text frame
  13. Script creates a new text frame at X:-4.2289in, 10 pt above the title frame, the same width as the body text frame, height of frame is 10 pt. Script inserts text "> Suite de la une" with paragraph style 'category'
  14. Script goes to Page A and deletes all the body text starting from the first paragraph of the overriding text.
  15. Script goes to the last paragraph, inserts a return and inserts "Suite en page [Page B page number here]" with 'jump' paragraph style applied
  16. Script goes to Page B
  17. End of script

Click here to download the script.

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