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Labels are a way to tell the script which exact objects to process.
For example, the user may create a template and label (manually in the panel) a graphic frame as ‘image’ and the text frame underneath it as ‘caption’. The script may create documents from the template and insert images and captions reading data, say, from an Excel file. These labels are visible to and editable by the user. But only one label can be used per object. Alternatively, we can use insert/extractLabel methods to insert/extract to one object as many labels as we want using key-value pairs, but these are invisible to the user.

Find labels

var pageItems = FindLabels(scope, "My Label");

function FindLabels(there, label) {
	var array = [];
	var pageItems = there.allPageItems;
	for (var i = 0; i < pageItems.length; i++) {
		if (pageItems[i].label == label) array.push(pageItems[i]);
	return array;

Find labeled frames

function FindLabeledFrames(frames, label) {
	var array = [];

	for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
		if (frames[i].label == label) array.push(frames[i]);
	return array;

Get item from collection

function GetItemFromCollection(label, collection) {
	for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
		if (label == collection[i].label) return collection[i];
	return null;

Get the list of all scripts labels

By Loic Aigon

var txtfrm = app.selection[0];  
txtfrm.insertLabel ("key1", "value1");
txtfrm.insertLabel ("key2", "value2");
txtfrm.insertLabel ("key3", "value3");
var getLabels = function(item) {  
	var f = File(Folder.desktop+"/"".idms" ),  
	x, a, o = {}, keys, n;  

	if  ( !(item.exportFile instanceof Function) ) return;  

	item.exportFile ( ExportFormat.INDESIGN_SNIPPET,  f );  

	if ( !f.exists ) return;"r");  
	x = XML ( );  

	keys  = x..KeyValuePair;  
	n = keys.length();  
	if ( !n ) return;  

	while ( n-- )  {  
		o[String(keys[n].@Key)] = String(keys[n].@Value);  

	x = null;  
	return o;  

var labels = getLabels ( txtfrm ); 
alert ( labels? labels.toSource() : "None" );

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