Swatch (Color)
Combine swatches with same value but different name
Function normalizeCMYK was written by Marc Autret. The source is here.
function normalizeCMYK(/*Document*/doc, swa,a,r,o,t,k,i) // ------------------------------------- // Remove CMYK swatch duplicates and set every name in `C= M= Y= K=` form. { if( !doc ) return; const __ = $.global.localize; const CM_PROCESS = +ColorModel.PROCESS; const CS_CMYK = +ColorSpace.CMYK; swa = doc.swatches; a = doc.colors.everyItem().properties; r = {}; // Gather CMYK swatches => { CMYK_Key => {id, name}[] } // --- while( o=a.shift() ) { if( o.model != CM_PROCESS ) continue; if( != CS_CMYK ) continue; t = swa.itemByName(; if( !t.isValid ) continue; for( i=(k=o.colorValue).length ; i-- ; k[i]=Math.round(k[i]) ); k = __("C=%1 M=%2 Y=%3 K=%4",k[0],k[1],k[2],k[3]); (r[k]||(r[k]=[])).push({, }); } // Remove dups and normalize names. // --- for( k in r ) { if( !r.hasOwnProperty(k) ) continue; t = swa.itemByID((o=(a=r[k])[0]).id); for( i=a.length ; --i ; swa.itemByID(a[i].id).remove(t) ); if( k == ) continue; // No need to rename. try{ }catch(_){} // Prevent read-only errors. } }; normalizeCMYK(;
Convert Spot colors to Process
var myCols = app.activeDocument.colors; for (i = 0; i < myCols.length; i++) if (myCols[i].model == myCols[i].model = ColorModel.process;
Make color
var swatchRed = MakeColor("Red", ColorSpace.RGB, ColorModel.PROCESS, [255, 0, 0]); var swatchGreen = MakeColor("Green", ColorSpace.RGB, ColorModel.PROCESS, [0, 255, 0]); function MakeColor(colorName, colorSpace, colorModel, colorValue) { var doc = app.activeDocument; var color = doc.colors.item(colorName); if (!color.isValid) { color = doc.colors.add({name: colorName, space: colorSpace, model: colorModel, colorValue: colorValue}); } return color; }