Examples of running AppleScript from JavaScript
function CreateAliasesSetLabels(theIssueFolderName) { if (File.fs == "Macintosh") { var appleScript = 'tell application \"Finder\"\r'; appleScript += 'set theMainFolder to a reference to folder "L\'Express:"\r'; appleScript += 'set theIssueFolderName to "' + theIssueFolderName+ '"\r'; appleScript += 'set theIssueFolderPath to "L\'Express:Archives L\'Express:" & theIssueFolderName & ":" as string\r'; appleScript += 'set theIssueFolder to a reference to folder theIssueFolderPath\r'; appleScript += 'set theAnnouncesFolderPath to "L\'Express:Archives L\'Express:" & theIssueFolderName & ":~ ANNOUNCES" as string\r'; appleScript += 'set theAnnouncesFolder to a reference to folder theAnnouncesFolderPath\r'; appleScript += 'set theAlias1 to make new alias to theIssueFolder at theMainFolder with properties {name:"~ Cette Semaine PAGES"}\r'; appleScript += 'set label index of theAlias1 to 6\r'; appleScript += 'set theAlias2 to make new alias to theAnnouncesFolder at theMainFolder with properties {name:"~ Cette Semaine ANNOUNCES"}\r'; appleScript += 'set label index of theAlias2 to 3\r'; appleScript += 'set theBookPath to theIssueFolderPath & theIssueFolderName & ".indb:"\r'; appleScript += 'set theBook to a reference to file theBookPath\r'; appleScript += 'set label index of theBook to 6\r'; appleScript += 'end tell'; $.writeln(appleScript); try { app.doScript(appleScript, ScriptLanguage.applescriptLanguage); } catch(err) { $.writeln(err.message + ", line: " + err.line); } } }
See also doScript() method